Sunday, March 15, 2009

Apotropaíosong Armor by Kría Brekkan (2008)

This is an EP by Kría Brekkan (Kristín Anna Valtýsdóttir) from Iceland. She was a part of múm, and she has appeared on Mice Parade tracks and Animal Collective's Feels. This is definitely not for everyone, but I like it. The soft texture of the music combined with her high, childlike voice creates a very different atmosphere that I'm not used to. It reminds me of early Animal Collective. So I guess her and Avey Tare are a perfect match (they're married). Most of this album is creepy and distant, but there are a few tracks that stand out.

The second song, Girafeel, features heavily distorted vocal effects along with the picking of a zither. It is relaxing and brings the listener out of this world and into another, happier place.

Giddy Walks Through Sand Without Skin On, as the name suggests, is the creepiest song on the album.

Biboni, the album's longest song at 2:54, is probably the most accessible track. The song sounds as if its being played using an old record player. Soft piano lines dance in and out creating a pretty melody.

Solush becomes more likable with every listen, as Kría sings over a lovely piano chord for a minute 28.

Armor, the closing track, is another favorite. Electronic textures and a plucked banjo lightly bring you back into the world and set you on your feet.

Again, this type of music is not for most people, but if you enjoy early AC (Campfire Songs, Here Comes the Indian), then you will enjoy this swift, melodic journey.


Possibly maybe her official Myspace page

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